Design Directory

M-pire company limited

Visited: 54506

M-pire is a brand with unique characteristics that merges the era sensation and imagination.

Our design allows you to feel the lives by penetrating into the world; it is fresh while makes a huge difference. Small decorations, dolls, furnishings, camera accessories and all the other designs are uniquely created by us. Every product and hand-making will bring you the uniqueness that you are all dreaming for.

Molly Zheng, our Chief Designer, creates almost every element including graphics, painting, photography, movie, fashion, art design, etc.. The different designing element will bring diversified styles to the M-pire products.

The product sale covers Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou and so on. We also make on-line retail available for you.

Apart from the self-designed products, we are also the agent for many other designing brands in Hong Kong, covering the portfolio from clothes, cosmetics to decorations. For further details, please refer to the “Other Brands” part.

M-pire is also the agent for many fashion brands and products from factory direct sales in Mainland China, covering clothes, stationery, decorations, etc..

Design Experience
0 to 5 years
Company Employee
Less than 10
Design Nature
  • Animation / Interactive / Multimedia
Client Profile
  • China Assignments
  • Manufacturing
  • Overseas Assignments
  • Retail Marketing & Services