Design Directory

Think Evolution Architecture (TEA)

Visited: 49606

TEA stands for Think Evolution Architecture. We specialise in architectural design, master planning and interior design, and provide architectural design services from concept to completion.

TEA is born out of desire to design living environments for human life. We feel today's architecture is too focused on form-making and buildings as pretty objects, it needs to return to the fundamentals such as emotions and humanity.

We are a small and new company, but we have our cutting edge: projects will be taken care of at all times by a director (who can make key decisions quickly), we work with clients closely to understand their perspectives and support them (many architects are only interested in 'design + architectural matters'), and we aim to add long term and branding value to all projects (not just a pretty building)!

Design Experience
0 to 5 years
Company Employee
Less than 10
Design Nature
  • Architectural / Spatial Design
  • Interior Design
Client Profile
  • China Assignments
  • Education
  • Hotel, Entertainment and Tourism
  • Interior Design & Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Property
  • Public Sector
  • Retail Marketing & Services
  • Social Services