Design Directory

Edward Chung ← Hong Kong Web Designer and Developer

Visited: 63579

Edward Chung is an award-winning designer and a self-taught web programmer based in Hong Kong. After graduation from an Architectural Degree, Edward went on to explore the world of communications in terms of visuals, interactions, words and technologies. Edward views design as a way to make the world a better placeEdward is among the few who masters the best of visual communications and web programming. His websites are renowned for the combination of cutting-edge technologies and creativity.

Edward is proficient in UX web design, web accessibility, web analytics, search engine optimization (SEO), web coding (HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, mySQL, .htaccess), web marketing and management.

Design Experience
11 to 20 years
Company Employee
Less than 10
Design Nature
  • Animation / Interactive / Multimedia
Client Profile
  • Education
  • Information Technology & Telecom
  • Manufacturing
  • Others
  • Public Sector
  • Retail Marketing & Services
  • Social Services

Merit Award, Hong Kong Designers' Association Award05
