Design Directory

Ask4Me Group

Visited: 57107

Ask4Me Group is a Dutch product design company based in China's southern Guangdong province, a rich spawning ground for efficient product development.

Since 2003 we help companies to design and realize unique products in China's mass-oriented production market. Focusing on innovative design and solid engineering, we communicate our clients product concepts to Chinese manufacturers. Our western trained management team has master degrees in Industrial Design Engineering from the Delft University of Technology and has ample experience in controlling the process of realizing products in China. Ask4Me Group understands western design culture and knows how to translate it for the east. We are essentially our client's eyes, ears and hands in China.

Design Experience
6 to 10 years
Company Employee
Less than 10
Design Nature
  • Industrial / Product Design
Client Profile
  • China Assignments
  • Manufacturing
  • Overseas Assignments

Red dot Award, PopSci CES Product of the Future Award, Dutch Design Award, Baby Innovation award, Low carbon Award
