Design Directory

adeo innovations Ltd

Visited: 53852

adeo innovations is specialized in tailor-made product development from scratch to production. More than 10 years of profound experience in product design and product development in China and overseas have created an undying thirst for innovation and a deep understanding of the design and manufacturing process. We offer a wide range of services, relying on an international team of professionals and a wide range of direct partners covering all crucial steps of a product’s development, starting from design, branding, packaging and ending with engineering, production and shipment. Understanding our customer’s needs and consumer demands in the European, American and Chinese market, adeo offers strategic services that ensure cost effective and efficient ways to launch your products.

Design Experience
11 to 20 years
Company Employee
Less than 10
Design Nature
  • Industrial / Product Design
Client Profile
  • China Assignments
  • Manufacturing
  • Others
  • Overseas Assignments