Design Directory
4N design architects
Visited: 69262
We serve corporate clients and Institutions like your company in providing Consultancy x Design x Project Management services, in Master Planning + Architecture + Interior + Branding projects. Our Vision is to push Architectural Creativity further to uplift human’s living standard and create a better environment, so as to help our client to create win-win situation for everyone. What are the scoop of services? We provide various SERVICES to Architectural & Interior Design projects include : feasibility study, conceptual design, master planning , spatial planning, detailed design, construction drawing, contractor tendering, and construction project management, and post-construction follow-up, etc.
What other services does 4N provide? we are not just architects, but provide multidisciplinary creative service. We have a group of Alliance to help you and your business : including Engineering, Quantitative Survey, Branding Consultancy, Product design, Fashion design, Construction companies, etc.